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Sunday, January 26, 2020

draft: Livin' in Kakistocracy

Franklin told the men of old
"We're making you a nation."
Now we're screwed as we can be
Livin' in kakistocracy!

Love maladministration
There's no doubt they're making out
Livin' in kakistocracy!

 He panders to the racial fears
 And hatred of his base
 He's bringing back our basest years
 To shove them in our face

Eric, Junior, and Ivanka
All hate nepotism
But they profit handsomely
Livin' in kakistocacy!

Donald poses with his wife
Pretending there's no schism
She sure seems to loathe  her life
Livin' in kakistocracy

 He babbles like a weenie,
 And slurs his fourth-grade words
 He acts like Mussolini
 Heilin' Hitler for his herds

Donald talks in greasy squawks
That show no education
Flinging poo and fourth-rate woo
Livin' in kakistocracy

Folks he hires and often fires
Are temps, sans confirmation
Lacking all ability
Livin' in kakistocracy

 He says he loves the USA
 He works for free, we hear
 But adding up his golf trips, they
 Cost millions every year

Loves the Gang and speaks their slang
With violence his fixation
Worships jerks who rule by fear
Livin' in kakistocracy

This slimy blot has now been caught
We have the information.
Gops decree he'll get off free
Livin' in kakistocracy

Loves to tweet, on gilded seat,
His bile and indignation
Time to flush this slimy slush
And live in a democracy!

[ttto: Doin' What Comes Naturally, by Israel Baline]

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