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Thursday, May 04, 2023

The KW Cleanup, part 1.

 Off she goes. The first sibling to visit us here is headed back to the UP of MI, leaving our house better than she found it. By request! I asked her if she'd help me in organizing and tossing things, and she did, accomplishing some minor miracles and leaving a framework for additional work to be done by, well, I guess, me. Heh. So I intend to carry through on this and, blog willing, blog it.

We started (I was there too!) in the guest room, where she slept (and where Murray is still entitled to use the bed, of course), egging me into sorting, classifying, and discarding enough that the rest went together neatly, leaving the field open for me to ruthlessly scour all the paper and near-paper piles (metaphor: They're in boxes) that constitute the Fanac bulge.

Across the hall, the fearsome box room awaited, and we made some structural changes to the spinal system of metal shelves as to allow for some sorting, so now I can make forays into the closet with all the boxes that I piled in there because they were the kind of stuff that can be quickly sorted and decided upon. I call that "mush." Many of these boxes say MUSH on them. I shall mush them.

I'm attracted to the idea of finite collections, allowed to fit a certain space and combed as needed, like Robert Crumb's 78 shelf. 

Tired of writing. Rest now. Anyway, a new label, hashtag, whatever: KW CLEANUP. More when I think of it. Oh yeah, here's one: planning to use low-impact method of sorting what's visible on top so I don't make a mess when I open a box. No big commitment, no "temporary" pile in the middle of the floor. That sort of thing. 


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