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Thursday, December 08, 2022

many wrongs make a blog post

Recent tweets (harvested by hand):

Could they make a dog toy that squeaks in a range only dogs hear?


"Turn on notifications or skip for now." For now? For NOW??


You can't even buy calling birds nowadays. You can only rent a calling bird plan.


Today I beat Wordle by not playing.


[photos of decorative apples made of alabaster or onyx] I was looking more for a pomme granite.


No, I feel okay. I just feel like going outside and eating a bunch of grass is all.


Woe is me. Murray now believes 100% that any time I whistle, it means I'm calling him to go out, even if he was just out. So now, any time I'm exuberant enough to whistle, I'm gaslighting my best buddy.


Eric Idle's sortabiography has a story of the aftermath of the attack on George and Olivia by that creep. George was lying on a gurney, bleeding, and the new housekeeper reported for work. She looked on, utterly apalled, and George said "So, what do you think of the job so far?"


When I buy anything snacky, I take the precaution of figuring out how much fat is in the whole thing. Sometimes unlikely, but always good to know.

Kudos to Dove ice cream bons on that score. I looked at the info, and serving size is THE WHOLE BOX OF, LIKE, TWENTY. Hardcore FTW.


I sat in an empty room at a con where I was the event, and suffered the social awkwardness of deciding whether to start talking when someone looked in.


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