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A person who needs no introduction.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Zombie of Oz

ZOMBIE WARNING: Song about Zombies. If you don't like zombies, and zombie activities, don't read the song. Or sing it. You can hum it, if you don't think about the lyrics while you're doing it. So anyway, this should be sung by an undead Ray Bolger in 1939, and it includes the verse, which doesn't appear in that movie, except (I think) as an underscore to some of the dancing. I know we used it for that when I was in this on stage, anyway. Okay, you've been zombie warned. Now comes the zombie part:

Said a dead man, lurching to his feet:
"I'd be happy, if I had some meat!
Not just any meat, of course--
I wouldn't eat squirrel or lion or tiger or horse...
But I sure would like your brain!

Zombies hunger once they pop off,
And crave to pop your top off
For pudding you contain
I would do you in discreetly
And give thanks to you most sweetly
If I only had your brain!

I would smile while I'm a-munchin'
The warm cerebral luncheon
You fight against in vain.
I would happily get crackin'
And I'd save the rest for snackin'
If I only had your brain!

Oh, I
Could bake a pie
Or canapes galore
I could relish it on crackers by the score
It's just the taste
That I adore.

I'm so sorry this portrayal
Might strike you as betrayal
And bring you fear and pain
But I'd never have to miss you
While I scarfed your nervous tissue
If I only had your brain!

I regret this will be bloody
Though I was once your buddy
But think of what we'll gain
'Cause the bright side is, you'll love us
And be one of us--one OF us
If I only have your brain!


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