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Thursday, April 23, 2020

the train sonnet

On the streets, our steps make tracks not seen
Above the tracks, long snaking train forms hover
Which show, or would if vision were more keen
Air populated by our breaths o'er ground we cover.

No sage can tell how long these paths remain
Or how much harm they do if two paths cross.
It might fade in an hour, this phantom train,
Or linger for uncalculable loss!

Don't cross those tracks: Your fate may hang upon
Not catching them, so keep your path from theirs.
Though impulse leads you where your friends have gone,
The voice of reason whispers loud: Take cares!

Steer clear those tracks unseen all walkers leave:
Beware the tangled webs our footsteps weave!

kw 20200422 
(posting delayed until today, Shakespeare's putative 456th birthday)

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