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A person who needs no introduction.

Monday, May 24, 2021

A Post-Legalization Guide to Reasonable Restrictions Upon Your Liberty


I am a Gop
And I hate hop.

If you won't stop,
I'll close your shop.

You may not smoke it in a house.
You may not share it with a mouse.
You may not toke it with a fox.
You may not keep it in a box.

You may not toot it at a bar.
You may not zoot it in a car.
You may not smoke it here or there
Our influence is everywhere.

Some speak about the voters' will,
But we cling to our power still--
We'll give our donor base a thrill
And keep their dollars in the till.

You may not toke and play a tune
You may not smoke beneath the moon
You may not puff in parks and caves
Or vipe upon the open waves.

You look for freedom. So do we.
Freedom's good, we all agree
But unless your lot gives in to me,
By god above, I'm just not free!

So do not use it on a plane
No subway tokin', bus or train
Don't puff near the Eternal Flame
Don't rock it at a Rangers game

Freedom's a flop.
It's gotta stop
Cause I'm a Gop
And I hate hop.

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